The trusted partner of community colleges to help schools and students thrive

Connect with our vast network of 2,100+ partner institutions, gaining access to best-practice research and process consulting, technology and data management solutions built with community colleges in mind, and hands-on guidance to help you achieve results.

Trusted by thousands of schools in the U.S. and beyond

Decades of Breakthrough Results

"It’s really about the partnership. It’s a whole team. A lot of companies have that standard customer success manager model, but EAB does it differently. Our EAB team is always there asking: Are we meeting your goals at a strategic level? Are we meeting what we promised we would do for you?"

- Brian Gardner, Chief Information Officer

Northampton Community College




year-one savings from using Edify to support Enterprise Resource Planning system replacements

Typical retention and graduation improvements achieved by Navigate360 partners

of Provosts say EAB improves the quality of their strategic decisions

The trusted partner of community colleges to help schools and students thrive

Connect with our vast network of 2,100+ partner institutions, gaining access to best-practice research and process consulting, technology and data management solutions built with community colleges in mind, and hands-on guidance to help you achieve results.

Trusted by thousands of schools in the U.S. and beyond

- Brain Gardner, Chief Information Officer

Houston Baptist University 

Solutions to support your top priorities

Empowering your institution with bespoke solutions that drive success, fostering a culture of innovation and inclusivity while enhancing student experience and outcomes.

Institutional Strategy

Prepare your institution for the future with research and advisory services on critical and current issues.

Student Success and Retention

Recruit, retain, graduate, and empower more students with higher education’s leading CRM technology.

Data and Analytics

Data management & analytics solutions to help CIOs and IT teams advance strategic priorities and build a data-informed culture.

Marketing and Enrollment

Achieve your enrollment and growth goals with recruitment marketing solutions trusted by 1,100+ schools.

Access and Equity

Improve student access and eliminate equity gaps with technology, research, and bold initiatives.


Cultivate more donors and increase engagement and giving levels throughout the donor lifecycle.

Why 2,100+ Schools Choose EAB

95% of our partners work with us year after year because of the results we achieve together.

Why 2,100+ Schools Choose EAB

95% of our partners work with us year after year because of the results we achieve together.

Solutions Powered by Research and Insight

EAB solutions, rooted in data and continuous learning from educational environments, enable us to preemptively spot emerging trends. This proactive approach guides us in crafting solutions attuned to the evolving educational landscape.

Partnership Beyond Expectation

When you work with us, we really become part of your team. We care about your goals as if they were our own. We're always ready to help you, often going beyond what's expected. Our work together will be filled with friendly advice, new insights, and a strong team spirit.

Decades of Proven Results

No matter your educational objectives, EAB is here to guide you to your goals. Our results are industry-leading. Don't just take our word for it, though—explore our numerous partner success stories and consider joining us to craft your own.

Decades of
Proven Results

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Let's find how we can help you achieve your goals.

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Get started today with EAB's tailored solutions for community colleges

Get started today with EAB's tailored solutions for community colleges


Northampton Community College